I am in love with this first grade project! Brand new one I tried out this year and we mixed our own colors, it involved several different techniques and materials, AND it fits in with them talking about different environments and what lives/grows there.

After the cactus pictures, we did the chilly penguins again, and I am currently teaching them about Dale Chihuly's glass-blown sculptures. We watched video clips of glass blowing artists and the process they go through to create these masterpieces. They are decorating plastic cups and I am using a heat tool to melt them while the students watch - takes like 10-15 seconds. (Somehow I didn't even up taking many pictures of either of these projects, so I'll share later).

I totally forgot to share a photo I took from my kindergarten class for THEIR reward day where they got "Free Choice" materials to make their own project - which they always love. I talk briefly about waste with them and remind them they need to be responsible with the materials they use and HOW MUCH they take. I find the very young grades and older grades are the most responsible with this.
This little girl made a bunch of paper dolls. She didn't want to glue them to her background because she said she wanted dolls to play with when she went home.

My second grade students completed their block printed snowflakes! I made a mini mural I'll photograph later.
We're in the middle of Wayne Thiebaud sweets - they learn about 3D shapes in their classroom, so I actually taught them how to draw those FORMS before their teachers introduced it, hopefully it made things a little easier for them... We are focusing on form and value (I'm focusing hard core on these two in 2nd and 4th since I reviewed last year and realized I've been kind of weak in those areas).
Yes, I also realize that I ALSO did 2 separate snowflake lessons with 2nd and 4th... different processes, but they both fit into their curriculum (snowflake Bently, symmetry, changing physical properties ect.), our county does a winter wonderland exhibit (got so sick this year, I actually couldn't turn anything in!). 4th Grade did melted crayon prints with sandpaper - always another big hit, especially when they realize they get to take the sandpaper home and all they need is crayons and an adult with an iron and they can do it at home.
I don't think I mentioned this before, but if anyone has questions on how I went about doing these lessons, feel free to leave a comment or send me a message! :)