Saturday, November 12, 2016

First Post! About Me

Hello art-lovers!!  :)  As my first post, I'm going to list a little bit about me and what I want to do with this blog!

Pre-K Lion Masks

I have been committed this past year or so to better documenting what goes on in my classroom, with my projects, and with my new management techniques. I figured I would try blogging about it to put everything in one place! I also flipped my classroom instruction this year and I may decide to share some of the videos here, haven't decided yet!  Kind shy about sharing that stuff....

I have another blog that's been running for years that is connected with my personal artwork and my side business:TheSilverSwann. I post sporadically MOSTLY because my full time job is being a teacher. If any of you art teachers out there are reading this, you know what I'm talking about when I say that there are just periods of time where my personal work takes the backseat.  I like to think I do a pretty good job keeping up with my artwork and exploration, though.


In many instances, it inspires me to create units based on things I am currently exploring or learning about myself!  I am a very firm believer that if you're not into the lesson you're teaching, your students won't be either.  You can plan all you want, but if you're not feeling the unit, switch it up!!!


I am a lifelong learner. For the past few years after I finished my masters, I have been a part of a Lapidary Guild and I've taken smithing classes to further my knowledge of one of my main mediums: Metalworking.  I was trained in college and started creating and selling at shows. I like to evolve and learn different techniques! You can find  my work here:

I am essentially a stepmom to my boyfriend's two amazing girls who help me test out lessons I designed and awaken new ideas as I try to think of different, exciting experiences for them when they come to stay with us.


I also need to give them credit for helping with my instructional videos for my students. They're such hams - love being movie stars.


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