Saturday, November 12, 2016

5th Grade Crayons

 Check out our new crayon display!!

Our 5th grade classes finally finished their 3D crayon sculptures (except my poor friday class that always gets the short end of the stick!). They first created an armature with super thick toilet paper and quilting rolls, tagboard, and tape.  Next, they used paper mache' gel to cover the surface - I use white paper so we can skip the step where you have to paint the newspaper white before adding color! (seriously, it's white copy paper, cheap, I use it in place of drawing paper a lot for different things like planning sketches and mache like this). They designed own crayon color and a tint of the color for the crayon paper, a label with their company name (or their name) and the name of their color below. They got sooo creative with the names!!!!! I loved it.

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